Following a devastating cyberattack on internal servers, Sony has decided to pull the controversial film ‘The Interview’ and has finally bowed to the demands of hackers.
Next week at the 31st Chaos Communication Congress (31C3) in Hamburg, programmer/hacker Trammell Hudson will present research on ways to infect Apple EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) firmware using the externally accessible Thunderbolt ports.
Visit a Norwegian website and chances are you’ll find it ends in .no – the top level domain for the country. However, the country’s domain name authority UNINETT Norid has two more country code top level domains (ccTLDs) up its sleeve. The pair are .
In the first documented attack of its kind, the Internet of Things has been used as part of an attack that sent out over 750,000 spam emails. In the first documented attack of its kind, the Internet of Things has been used as part of an attack that sent out over 750,000 spam emails.