Pavel Durov, founder of the Russian social network VKontakte, was home alone in his apartment in St. Petersburg on a weekend when a contingent of men in camouflage uniforms knocked violently on his door.
A total of 1,228 popular Android apps found in the Google Play store are still vulnerable to a FREAK attack, FireEye says. Research published on Tuesday by the firm’s security team disclosed just how vulnerable both Android and iOS apps still are to the FREAK bug.
When it comes to data breaches, retailers are one of the biggest targets these days, and today we have some detail on the costs around one of the more high-profile attacks.
PALO ALTO, Calif. — In late 2013, an A.T.M. in Kiev started dispensing cash at seemingly random times of day. No one had put in a card or touched a button. Cameras showed that the piles of money had been swept up by customers who appeared lucky to be there at the right moment.