Researchers at network security company Palo Alto Networks have uncovered a new and sophisticated form of malware which attacks iOS devices through USB connections from OS X systems. They have called it WireLurker. Palo Alto Networks says that “…
Lacoon Mobile Security has discovered a new ‘advanced’ Chinese iOS trojan targeting jailbroken iPhone users in Hong Kong, linked to a previous Android spyware app currently being distributed among protesters via a link shared on WhatsApp.
How many apps on your iPhone or iPad have a built-in browser? Would it surprise you to know that every one of those apps could eavesdrop on your typing? Even when it’s in a secure login screen with a password field?
North Korea’s cyberattack on Sony Pictures exposed a new reality: you don’t have to be a superpower to inflict damage on U.S. corporations The following script is from “The Attack on Sony” which aired on April 12, 2015. Steve Kroft is the correspondent. Graham Messick, producer.
Facebook is enforcing its “real names” policy, insidiously outing a disproportionate number of gay, trans and adult performers — placing them at risk for attacks, stalking, privacy violations and more.